Sunday, January 31, 2010

Conversational Marketing, How do you Feel?

How do you guys feel about conversational marketing? Are you equally confused as I am? On one hand as a Marketer, I believe that conversational Marketing is a new, revolutionary way for companies to establish and maintain two-way communication between themselves and their consumers. This two-way communication can lead to long lasting relationships that companies have been striving for many years to maintain. What more could a Marketer ask for right?

On the other, hand as a customer I find the whole conversational marketing thing kind of creepy. From the consumer’s perspective, conversational Marketing is can be quite the invasion of privacy. I’m not sure how many people will feel comfortable with Fandango posting on its consumer’s Facebook pages what movie they are planning on seeing this evening. In my experience, customer’s value their privacy and tend to resist when they feel companies are invading on that privacy. It should be interesting to see where Conversational Marketing will go in the future. I doubt that companies will willingly stop using such a great marketing tool. On the other hand, it’s hard to believe that consumers will willingly allow for these companies to invade what little privacy they still have.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely agree with you on invasion of privacy aspect. I think we're going to reach a critical mass at some point and many people will realize how little control over their personal lives they actually have, and a revolution will occur. As it stands, I can't believe TV networks manage to fill half the screen with popups and texts and all sorts of things throughout the shows. Marketing is going too far.
